Radon Testing
There’s a lot to love about Northern Colorado! But there’s something that every Coloradoan should know: Colorado’s soil contains a higher level of radioactive gas called Radon. Radon is a leading cause of lung cancer in Larimer and Weld county. Radon is an invisible, tasteless, odorless and naturally occurring gas. It sneaks its way into your home through openings in your foundation.

We are able to measure it precisely within 48 hours and determine if the gas is within the exposure guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Surgeon General. ProCheck can assure you that your home in Fort Collins, Loveland, Windsor, Timnath or Wellington, CO meets these standards, and offer a licensed, certified radon report to negotiate your home’s health and safety standards.
We use Sun Nuclear Continuous Radon monitors that are calibrated every year for quality per law, US EPA verified, NRPP listed approved devices, approved by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) for use in real estate transaction testing.
Procheck’s Radon Measurement Professionals are STATE LICENSED as well as certified by the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) & The National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP). Not all inspectors carry the same level of qualification in Colorado. Be sure that your inspector and their results are authoritatively certified. Verify these credentials at https://dpo.colorado.gov
Large Building Radon Testing
Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Multifamily, School, Commercial and Mixed-Use Buildings
This standard of practice specifies procedures and minimum requirements when measuring radon concentrations in shared structures, or portions of shared structures used for residential, non-residential or mixed-use purposes to determine if radon mitigation is necessary to protect current and future occupants.
ProCheck inspections offers Radon Testing for Multifamily, School, Commercial and Mixed-Use Buildings aka Large Buildings. Things have evolved since Colorado’s Radon Bill last year, now tenants in multi-family units, employees in large buildings and buyers in real estate transactions can make owners install a radon mitigation system for their particular unit. Sellers, HOAs and Property Managers should test the entire building for better results. Then you will have disclosures readily available instead of dealing with revolving clients testing on their own. Plus, if necessary, mitigating an entire building is more cost effective than unit by unit. Testing Multiplexes, Office Spaces and Apartment or Townhome Complexes is very different technically than Residential Testing. Call us today for a quote and get it over with!
MFM (Multifamily Measurement)- NRPP certified professionals who have attended and passed an approved Multifamily Measurement course and practicum session.

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